导读 大家好,知识小编来为大家讲解下。drink是什么意思,drink的用法很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、drink是什么意思1、drink



1、drink 喝

2、可能来自PIE*dhreng, 喝,吸,来自PIE*dhreg的鼻音化形式,拉,词源同drag, draw.



2、drink: [OE] Drink comes ultimately from a prehistoric Germanic verb *drengkan, which is widely represented in other modern Germanic languages: German trinken, for instance, Dutch drinken, Swedish dricka, and Danish drikke. Variants of it also produced English drench and drown. Its pre-Germanic history is not clear, however: some have suggested that the original underlying notion contained in it is of ‘sucking liquid in or up’, and that it is thus related to English draw (a parallel semantic connection has been perceived between Latin dūcere ‘lead, draw’ and the related tsuk- ‘drink’ in Tocharian A, an extinct Indo-European language of central Asia).=> drench, drown

3、drink (v.)

4、Old English drincan "to drink," also "to swallow up, engulf" (class III strong verb; past tense dranc, past participle druncen), from Proto-Germanic *drenkan (cognates: Old Saxon drinkan, Old Frisian drinka, Dutch drinken, Old High German trinkan, German trinken, Old Norse drekka, Gothic drigkan "to drink"), which is of uncertain origin or connections, perhaps from a root meaning "to draw." Most Indo-European words for this trace to PIE *po(i)- (source of Greek pino, Latin biber, Irish ibim, Old Church Slavonic piti, Russian pit'; see imbibe). The noun meaning "beverage, alcoholic beverage" was in late Old English. The noun, AS. drinc, would normally have given southern drinch (cf. drench), but has been influenced by the verb. [Weekley] To drink like a fish is first recorded 1747.
