导读 大家好,知识小编来为大家讲解下。discuss是什么意思,discuss的用法很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、discuss是什么意思1、di



1、discuss 讨论

2、dis-, 分开,散开。-cuss, 摇,震荡,词源同concussion,percussion. 引申词义谈话,讨论。



2、discuss: [14] The ultimate source of discuss meant ‘smash to pieces’. It comes from discuss-, the past participle stem of Latin discutere, a compound verb formed from the prefix dis- ‘apart’ and quatere ‘shake’ (from which English also gets concussion and quash). Its literal meaning was ‘smash apart, break up’, and this gradually developed via ‘scatter, disperse’ to, in post-classical times, ‘investigate, examine’ and eventually ‘debate’.The apparently wide semantic discrepancy between ‘scatter, disperse’ and ‘examine’ was probably bridged by some such intermediate notion as ‘disperse or separate in the mind so as to distinguish and identify each component’.=> concussion, quash

3、discuss (v.)

4、mid-14c., "to examine, investigate," from Latin discuss-, past participle stem of discutere "to dash to pieces, agitate," in Late Latin and Vulgar Latin also "to discuss, investigate" (see discussion). Meaning "examine by argument, debate" is from mid-15c. Related: Discussed; discussing.
