导读 大家好,知识小编来为大家讲解下。bustle是什么意思,bustle的用法很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、bustle是什么意思1、bustl



1、bustle 忙碌

2、来自bust, 同burst, 爆发。


1、bustle (v.)

2、"be active," 1570s (bustling "noisy or excited activity" is from early 15c.), frequentative of Middle English bresten "to rush, break," from Old English bersten (see burst (v.)), influenced by Old Norse buask "to make oneself ready" (see busk (v.)), or from busk (v.) via a frequentative form buskle. Related: Bustled; bustling; bustler.

3、bustle (n.2)

4、"padding in a skirt," 1788, of uncertain origin, perhaps from German Buschel "bunch, pad," or it might be a special use of bustle (n.1) with reference to "rustling motion." BUSTLE. A pad stuffed with cotton, feathers, bran, &c., worn by ladies for the double purpose of giving a greater rotundity or prominence to the hips, and setting off the smallness of the waist. [Bartlett, "Dictionary of Americanisms," 1848]

5、bustle (n.1)

6、"activity, stir, fuss, commotion," 1630s, from bustle (v.).
