导读 大家好,知识小编来为大家讲解下。shoal是什么意思,shoal的用法很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、shoal是什么意思1、shoal



1、shoal 浅滩,沙洲

2、来自古英语 sceald,浅的,词源同 shallow.

3、shoal 鱼群

4、来自古英语 scolu,鱼群,词源同 school,鱼群,一群。



2、shoal: English has two distinct words shoal. ‘Shallow area’ [16] is descended from the Old English adjective sceald ‘shallow’, which in turn came from prehistoric Germanic *skaldaz. (English shallow [15] is related, although it is not clear precisely how.) Shoal of fish [16] is simply a reborrowing of Middle Dutch schōle, which had earlier been taken over as school.=> school

3、shoal (n.1)

4、"place of shallow water," c. 1300, from Old English schealde (adj.), from sceald "shallow," from Proto-Germanic *skala- (cognates: Swedish skäll "thin;" Low German schol, Frisian skol "not deep"), of uncertain origin. The terminal -d was dropped 16c.

5、shoal (n.2)

6、"large number" (especially of fish), 1570s, apparently identical with Old English scolu "band, troop, crowd of fish" (see school (n.2)); but perhaps rather a 16c. adoption of cognate Middle Dutch schole.

7、shoal (v.)

8、"assemble in a multitude," c. 1600, from shoal (n.2). Related: Shoaled; shoaling.
