导读 大家好,知识小编来为大家讲解下。all是什么意思,all的用法很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、all是什么意思1、all 全部的2、



1、all 全部的




2、all: [OE] Words related to all are found throughout the Germanic languages (German all, Dutch al, Old Norse allr, Gothic alls, for instance). They can probably all be traced back to a hypothetical Germanic ancestor *alnaz. Connections outside Germanic are not known, unless Lithuanian aliai ‘completely’ is a relative.


4、Old English eall "all, every, entire," from Proto-Germanic *alnaz (cognates: Old Frisian, Old High German al, Old Norse allr, Gothic alls), with no certain connection outside Germanic. Combinations with all meaning "wholly, without limit" were common in Old English (such as eall-halig "all-holy," eall-mihtig "all-mighty") and the method continued to form new compound words throughout the history of English. First record of all out "to one's full powers" is 1880. All-terrain vehicle first recorded 1968. All clear as a signal of "no danger" is recorded from 1902. All right, indicative of approval, is attested from 1953.
