导读 您好,现在瑶瑶来为大家解答以上的问题。anchorage,anchorage相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、anchorage意思是:锚固[


1、anchorage意思是:锚固[英][ˈæŋkərɪdʒ][美][ˈæŋkərɪdʒ]以下双语例句:1.He suggested we open up a sushi restaurant together in anchorage, and I agreed. 他建议我们在安克雷奇也开一家寿司店,我同意了。

2、2.It was observed near sundown while at anchorage off the coast of brazil, awaiting berth in the port of santos.它是我们在巴西海面上下锚等待在桑托斯港停泊,在靠近日落时所观察到的。

3、3.Piloting from baoshan anchorage to nanjing. 和从宝山锚地到南京的引航。

4、4.Rational design of anchorage angle for prestressed cable. 预应力锚索安装合理锚固角设计。

5、5.Anchorage is the only city in alaska with the high-speed equipment necessary to do the job. 安克雷奇是阿拉斯加州唯一拥有完成该项工作所需高速处理设备的。
