导读 大家好,小宜来为大家讲解下。19首经典英文老歌怀旧,19shop这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!家乡特色麻辣小吃分享给大家,有兴...


家乡特色麻辣小吃分享给大家,有兴趣的话可以聊聊哦,RJ178178,了解更多点击链接网页链接 #你听过最好听的纯音乐是什么# #你吃过最奇怪口味的月饼# #落后一定会挨打吗# #有什么挣钱的路子推荐吗# #怎样看出一个男生是不是真喜欢你# #你最喜欢的运动是什么# #人老后,怎么做才不讨人嫌# #什么方法可以改变命运# #你们手机里有哪些好看的风景照# #当你老了,你想有一个什么样的生活# #如果有来生,你愿意等着谁# 网页链接

36 there is a coffee shop inside the bookstore


31.is your university at the end of this street.

32.do your parents live at the end of this street.

33.who has the most beautiful house in the town.

35.there is a zoo in this.city.

25.my Korean is worse than my Japanese

26.Anna's new car is better than her old car

27.which is better cake or ice cream

28.why is this store worse than that store.

29.is this a safe place

30.is her new song worse.

21 is there a restaurant close to duo's house.

22.is the zoo open today

23.is the food here good

24 this small town has many good coffee shops.

11.we have a English exam today.

12.he is not a English teacher

13.that is not a good school.

14.that is a difficult question.

15.an easy english exam

16.there is a coffee shop on this street.

17.the building is close to that park.

18.is there a coffee shop close to the school

19.is this a busy street.

20.we are walking from the park to the store.

1.between the museum and the restaurant

2.is our hotel between the subway and the bank

3.walk past the bus stop and turn left.

4.Anna works at a coffee shop inside the airport.

5.do i need to turn right and the end of this street

6.he is from a.small town

7.the coffee is good.here

8.the movie is worse than the book

9 is that .the book better than the movie

10.is this town safe in the evening8@


1.  It’s a Wonderful Life《生活多美好》-1946年

2.  Miracle on 34th Street(1947)《34街奇缘》-1947年

3.  Holiday Inn《假日旅馆》-1942年

4.  The Shop Around the Corner《街角的商店》-1940年

5.  How the Grinch Stole Christmas《圣诞怪杰》-1967年

6. The Nightmare Before Christmas《圣诞夜惊魂》-1993年

7.  Little Women(2019)《小妇人》-2019年

8.  Meet Me in ST. Louis《火树银花》-1944年

9.  Carol《卡罗尔》-2015年

10. Tangerine《橘色》-2015年

11. A Charlie Brown Christmas《查理布朗的圣诞节》-1965年

12. Die Hard《虎胆龙威》-1988年

13. Arthur Christmas《亚瑟·圣诞》-2011年

14. Rudolph, the Red-nosed Reindeer《红鼻子驯鹿鲁道夫》-1964年

15. Remember the Night《今宵难忘》-1940年

16. Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey《铃儿响叮当》-2020年

17. Klaus《克劳斯:圣诞节的秘密》-2019年

18. Edward Scissorhands《剪刀手爱德华》-1990年

19. Babes in Toyland《玩具国历险记》-1934年

20. Little Women(1994)《小妇人》-1994年

21. A Christmas Story《圣诞故事》-1983年

22. Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale《稀有出口:圣诞传说》-2010年

23. Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang《小贼、美女和妙探》-2005年

24. Tokyo Godfathers《东京教父》-2003年

25. Better Watch Out《安全邻域》-2017年

26. Trading Places《颠倒乾坤》-1983年

27. Gremlins《小精灵》-1984年

28. Un Conte De Noël (A Christmas Tale)《属于我们的圣诞节》-2008年

29. White Reindeer《白色寻路》-2013年

30. A Christmas Carol《圣诞颂歌》-1951年

31. Christmas in Connecticut《康州圣诞》-1945年

32. Elf《圣诞精灵》-2003年

33. Happiest Season《最幸福的季节》-2020年

34. The Bishop’s Wife《仁慈天使》-1948年

35. Batman Returns《蝙蝠侠归来》-1992年

36. The Man Who Invented Christmas《圣诞发明家》-2017年

37. Bad Santa《圣诞坏公公》-2003年

38. While You Were Sleeping《二见钟情》-1995年

39. Anna and the Apocalypse《安娜和世界末日》-2018年

40. White Christmas《银色圣诞》-1954年

41. Let It Snow《冬季浪漫故事》-2019年

42. A Christmas Horror Story《圣诞节恐怖故事》-2015年

43. The Muppet Christmas Carol《圣诞欢歌》-1992年

44. Happy Christmas《圣诞快乐》-2014年

45. Joyeux Noël (MERRY CHRISTMAS)《圣诞快乐》-2006年

46. The Ref《通天大盗》-1994年

47. Black Christmas《黑色圣诞节》-1974年

48. The Santa Clause《圣诞老人》-1994年

49. Scrooged《孤寒财主》-1988年

50. The Best Man Holiday《伴郎假期》-2013年


近日,《福布斯》杂志(Forbes)公布了2021年度世界最佳酒吧50强(The World’s 50 Best Bars 2021),来自英国伦敦的康诺酒吧(Connaught Bar)蝉联冠军,继2020年夺得第1名之后再次荣登榜首。


下面是2021年度世界最佳酒吧50强名单(The World’s 50 Best Bars 2021)

1. Connaught Bar (London, UK)

2. Tayēr + Elementary (London, UK)

3. Paradiso (Barcelona, Spain)

4. The Clumsies (Athens, Greece)

5. Florería Atlántico (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

6. Licorería Limantour (Mexico City, Mexico)

7. Coa (Hong Kong, China)

8. El Copitas (St. Petersburg, Russia)

9. Jigger & Pony (Singapore)

10. Katana Kitten (New York City, U.S.A)

11. Two Shmucks (Barcelona, Spain)

12. Hanky Panky (Mexico City, Mexico)

13. Insider Bar (Moscow, Russia)

14. Baba au Rum (Athens, Greece)

15. Manhattan (Singapore)

16. Atlas (Singapore)

17. Zuma (Dubai, U.A.E)

18. The SG Club (Tokyo, Japan)

19. Drink Kong (Rome, Italy)

20. 1930 (Milan, Italy)

21. President (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

22. Maybe Sammy (Sydney, Australia)

23. Cantina OK! (Sydney, Australia)

24. Salmon Guru (Madrid, Spain)

25. Handshake Speakeasy (Mexico City, Mexico)

26. No Sleep Club (Singapore)

27. Camperino in Galleria (Milan, Italy)

28. Café La Trova (Miami, U.S.A)

29. Little Red Door (Paris, France)

30. Dante (New York City, U.S.A)

31. Kwānt (London, UK)

32. Bar Benfiddich (Tokyo, Japan)

33. Tres Monos (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

34. Attaboy (New York City, U.S.A)

35. Lucy’s Flower Shop (Stockholm, Sweden)

36. MO Bar (Singapore)

37. Sips (Barcelona, Spain)

38. Baltra Bar (Mexico City, Mexico)

39. Sober Company (Shanghai, China)

40. Tjoget (Stockholm, Sweden)

41. Epic (Shanghai, China)

42. Charles H (Seoul, South Korea)

43. Tippling Club (Singapore)

44. Above Board (Melbourne, Australia)

45. Galaxy Bar (Dubai, U.A.E)

46. Re (Sydney, Australia)

47. Sidecar (New Delhi, India)

48. Union Trading Company (Shanghai, China)

49. DarkSide (Hong Kong, China)

50. Quinary (Hong Kong, China)

#买家电晚8点必看榜# 你们都知道我今年刚有了宝宝,加上家里还有三只猫猫,在清洁卫生这方面更注重了!作为京东PLUS老会员,大小家电和数码产品都喜欢在京东安排,送货快、服务好。正好又到了京东11.11活动,家电有超大福利优惠,赶紧在@京东家电 入手种草了很久的全能清洁“小保姆”——戴森V10高端精选吸尘器,有娃有宠物一族表示拥有功能强大的戴森V10太巴适了!


对了,京东家电11.11预售10月20日晚8点已经火爆开启了,优惠力度不用说,诚意满满!记住哦,每天晚上八点就可以提前开始抢,今年11.11终于可以美美的睡个好觉,不用再熬夜啦!而且商品种类多,福利也非常多,跨店每满200减30,还保价到11.11,各位小伙伴们可以放心地薅羊毛,早买早享受!快一起来家电11.11主会场 看看吧!

Covid-19 is RAMPANT(蔓延的) right now.

Do wear a mask[戴口罩].

Don't spread it.

Don't get it.

Don't let it screw up(弄糟) holiday plans.

Don't let it screw up other people's holiday plans.

Please wear a mask[雾霾]!

Into a shop.

On the plane.

On the train.





老詹参加的脱口秀节目《The Shop》中谈到他寻找比赛动力的秘诀










































Blame the nucleic acid dummy

The profiteer is too bloodthirsty, and the nucleic acid is forged into a black wolf.

Let the positive spread, and then report the negative as positive.

The government made urgent decisions and the medical angels were busy day and night.

When false is true, true is also false.

COVID-19 is still curable, and animal evils are the most difficult to prevent.

The factory is shut down for a long holiday, and students are in class online.

The young people who are laid off have no income and no money to break off the loan.

The shop is empty, and tourism and catering are more desolate.

The old man was worried and afraid, lest he should be infected with heaven.

The national economy has been slowed down, and people's lives have been ruined.

A cotton swab is powerful, and billions of dollars go into your private pocket.

The epidemic situation gave birth to white eyed wolves, regardless of moral integrity.

It is hoped that the country will throw a heavy fist and catch the culprit and send him to prison.

基础英语 第82期


A) 根据句意及首字母提示,完成句子.

1 ---What’s your favorite s______?  ---Math.

2 A s_____ is a large shop that sells food, fruit and so on.

3 You can b_____ books from the library.

4 Go along the road. Turn l____ at the first crossing, then turn r_____ at the second crossing.You can see the park.

5 The bus stop is 200 m_____ away from my building.


B) 根据句意及所给汉语意思,完成句子

6. Guo Tao is playing football on the _____(操场).

7. Physics is my _____ (最喜爱的) subject.

8. Listen! Someone is _____ (敲) at the door.

9. Wang wei likes living in the _____ (乡村).

10. A soccer game _____ (在两者之间) Class One and Class Five is on the playground at

4:00 in the afternoon.

C) 根据汉语意思,完成句子

11. 这本书我能借多久?

  _____ _____ can I _____ the book?

12. 我的父母亲住在第一层.

  My parents live _____ _____ _____ ______.

13. 你认为这首歌怎么样?

  What do you ______ ______ the song?

14. 你的家什么样?

   ______ your home _______?

15. 为什么不送给她一些花呢?

  _____ ______ ______ her some flowers?

二、 句型转换

16. Miss Huang usually goes to work by subway. ( 对画线部分by subway提问)

   _____ _____ Miss Huang usually _____ to work?

17. They have sports once a week. ( 对画线部分once a week提问)

   _____ ______ _____ they have sports?

18. Mary always does her homework after school at home. ( 改为否定句)

   Mary _____ _____ _____ her homework after school at home.

19. Which is the way to the park? ( 写出同义句)

   _____ _____ _____ get to the park?

20. Are you doing your homework ? ( 作否定回答)

   No, _____ _____.





4.left, right





9.country / countryside


11.How long, keep

12.on the first floor

13.think of

14.What's, like

15.Why not give

16.How does, go

17.How often do

18.always doesn't do

19.How can I

20.I'm not




(   )18.The number of the students in this primary school is about three thousand,and____ of them are girls.   A.second third   B.two thirds  C.two third  D.two three

(   )19.---Who helped you with your English?--____ I learned it all by myself.

A.Nobody . B.Anybody  C.Somebody  D.Everybody

(   )20.—I never go to bed late at night.And you?---______

A. Neither I do . B.Neither do I.  C.Neither am I  D.Neither I am.

(   )21.---Do you know______ the population of Chengdu_______? ---Yes, it’s over nine million.

A. how much,is  B.what,is  C.how many,are  D.what,are

(   )22.Nanjing is a city with many places of interest.______ tourists come here every year.

A. Thousand of  B.Thousand  C.Thousands  D.Thousands of

(   )23.He invited some classmates to come to his party.but________came.

A.a little  B.little  C.a few  D.few

(   )24.On her way home,Lucy saw a thief______in a shop,She stopped _______110 at once.

A. steal,call  B.to steal,call  C.stealing,to call  D.stealing,calling

(   )25.—Has he watched the movie? --_____ He told me it’s like to watch it again.

A.Yes,he has  B.Yes,he hasn’t  C.No,he hasn’t  D.No,he has.


After the football game,he was_________excited __________sleep.


As a scientist,he _______ _______ ___________ _______ ________ his country.


Don’t worry.We have_______ _________time to get ready for the meeting.


Some children in poor areas are still________ ________food and clothes.Let’s do something to help them.

5.多亏希望工程的帮助, 许多孩子重返校园,过着快乐的生活。

________ _______ Project Hope,many children go back to school and live a happy life.

答案:18-25 BABBDDCA

1.too,to 2.made a great contribution to 3.plenty of 4.short of 5.Thanks to



1-1 Big Feet .

1-2 Go Away , Floppy .

1-3 Hide and Seek .

1-4 Kipper ' s Diary .

1-5 Look at Me .

1-6 Reds and Blues .

1-7 Good Gog .

1-8 See Me Skip .

1-9 The Ice Cream .

1-10 The Mud Pie .

1-11 What a DIN !

1-12 Floppy ' s Bone .

1-13 One Wheel .

1-14 The Box of Treasure

1-15 The Sandcastle

1-16 Go Away , Cat .

1-17 Go On , Mum !

1-18 Look After Me .

1-19 Presents for Dad .

1-20 Top Dog .

1-21 What Dogs Like

1-22 Goal !

1-23 Making Faces .

1-24 What a mess !

1-25 Shopping .

1-26 The Journey .

1-27 Fancy Dress .

1-28 Push !

1-29 The headache .

1-30 The pet shop

1-31 At the Park .




I have been in China for nearly a year. As a foreigner, it’s hard for me to tell what Chinese people are __1__ . But my experience in Beijing said something.

A couple of weeks ago, I went to buy four big suitcases for travel. It suddenly rained heavily __2__ I was going down the street. A stranger called me into his little shop. He offered me a cup of tea and a chair. When the rain got lighter, I thanked him and rushed to a store n___3__ to buy my suitcases.

If you’ve ever tried to push four big suitcases by yourself, you may understand my situation. I looked silly, for the suitcases were dancing wildly across the floor. Then I got a touch on the shoulder. It was the seller. He signed that I should wait. A few minutes later, he drove up in a car, and put the suitcases i__4__ . Then we went driving happily along the road to my home. I offered him some money, but he refused. In broken English he said, “Feel good... help you.”

Root Vegetables

Would you like to eat a root? You p__5__ already have. Most roots that people eat are usually c__6__ root vegetables. A root vegetable is what we call vegetables that grow underground.

A carrot is one t__7__ of root vegetable. It is the orange, edible root of the carrot plant. Many people like to put it in salad. A turnip is another root vegetable.Turnips are usually eaten boiled, steamed, roasted, fried, pickled, or even raw.

Although some people do not c__8__ potatoes to be a vegetable, they are a root vegetable. People like to eat them boiled, fried, and mashed sweet potatoes, yams, beets, and leeks are some other root vegetables that people like to eat.

参考答案:1. like 2. as/when 3. nearby 4.inside/in 5. probably/perhaps 6. called 7.type 8. consider

七年级英语上册词汇与句型 练习19【含答案】


266. Lily, help ______(you) to some apples .

267. What about________(have) some fish ?

268. I'd like ________(visit) Guiyang.

269. Let's _______(do) some shopping .

270. I wan to have some _______(bread).


271. How about having two ______(egg)and some milk?

272. Miss Li is very _______(friend) to us .

273. I like_______(China) food very much .

274. He _______(like) the hot food very much .

275. This is a ______(shop) list .


276. I'd like three ______(kilo) of eggs .

277. His uncle is a ______(work) .

278. _______(not) worry .We'll help you .

279. Would you like ______(try) on another one ?

280. I'd like ______(drink) a cup of tea .


281. Here ______(be) two bowls of noodles .

282. How about _______(have) some apples ?

283. This is my book .Where is ______(you) ?

284. His father _______(not) like noodles at all .

285. He______(study) in a middle school .


286. She comes from _______(English) .

287. I want _______(visit) the Great Wall .

288.We______(read) English now.

289. She often _______(go) to the English corner .

290. ______(he) face is round .


291. This is an apple. _____ (that) are oranges.

292. He has two ______ (sister).

293. Nancy ______ (have ) long hair .

294. Those _______ (teacher) are from Beijing .

295. Linda has big ______(eye).


296. Jack _____(be) my good friend .

297. Mr. Hu has a pair of new _______(shoe) .

298. I _____(not have) an English name .

299. They are my good _______(friend) .

300. What color _____(be) your pants ?



266.yourself 267.having 268.to visit 269.do 270.bread

271.eggs 272.friendly 273.Chinese 274.likes 275.shopping

276.kilos 277.worker 278.Don't 279.to try 280.to drink

281.are 282.having 283.yours 284.doesn't 285.studies

286.England 287.to visit 288.are reading 289.goes 290.His

291.Those 292.sisters 293.has 294.teachers 295.eyes

296.is 297.shoes 298.don't have 299.friends 300.are

2021.11.2 科技新闻 | 生活很慢,世界很快【来自豌豆姑娘】


2、字节跳动或将开启10-7-5工作制, 每天19点后加班需申请(需要有理由经过领导同意,每天最多加班3小时,每月最多36小时)【澎湃】

3、苹果自研芯片iMac Pro有望明年上半年推出(将取代现在搭载英特尔处理器的27英寸版iMac)【财联社】


5、TikTok新增TikTok Shop与TikTok World两项电商产品(前者是为了创建电商生态,后者则是为了帮助品牌精准链接创作者)【亿邦动力】









