

使用pea(聚醚胺)的添加剂应该在保养前用而不是保养后用,保养前用是指保养前的倒数第二箱油使用,在保养前把有添加剂的汽油彻底用光。一个保养周期不要超过两次,不要过量使用,核心是添加剂会污染机油导致机油不能达到润滑效果。雪佛龙前面说不影响机油,后面又说过量导致机油变化,所以肯定还是会影响的。添加剂基本都是PEA OR piba,所以这是共性问题,别的添加剂也会影响机油,不要有侥幸心理。抖音上推荐你连用几瓶的不是骗子就是傻子。


Does Techron® change the color of my engine oil?

Techron® 会改变我的发动机油的颜色吗?

Unlike some competitors’ PEA-based fuel additives formula, our technology will not cause sludge in engine oil. When Techron® is stored properly and used as directed, it will not cause any change to engine oil color, appearance, or performance.

与一些竞争对手的基于 PEA 的燃料添加剂配方不同,我们的技术不会导致机油中的油泥。当 Techron® 正确储存并按指示使用时,不会导致发动机油的颜色、外观或性能发生任何变化。

How often should I add Techron® to my tank?


Chevron offers a variety of Techron® products based on application. Please refer to the Techron® Product Comparison Chart for each Techron® product’s use frequency. For example, our Techron Complete Fuel System Cleaner is recommended for use every season (winter, fall, spring, summer) or right before an oil change with no more than two treatments between oil changes.

Can I use a full bottle of Techron® in smaller fuel tanks?

雪佛龙提供各种基于应用的泰克龙®产品。请参阅泰科朗®产品比较表,了解每种泰克朗®产品的使用频率。例如,我们的 Techron 完整燃油系统清洁剂建议在每个季节(冬季、秋季、春季、夏季)或换油前使用,换油之间不超过两次。

Can I use a full bottle of Techron® in smaller fuel tanks?

我可以在较小的油箱中使用一整瓶 Techron® 吗?

Please refer to the product label or the Techron® Product Comparison Chart for recommended treat rates. Slight overtreatment of Techron® will not cause harm to the engine, but adding too much may cause oil thickening and fuel dilution. It is important to know that Techron is not a fuel replacement and should never be used as such.

请参阅产品标签或 Techron® 产品比较表以了解推荐的处理率。 Techron® 的轻微过度处理不会对发动机造成伤害,但添加过多可能会导致机油变稠和燃油稀释。重要的是要知道 Techron 不是燃料替代品,并且永远不应该这样使用。
