导读 8月科学教育网小李来为大家讲解下。甜美女孩英文,甜美女孩英文名c开头)这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、甜美女孩的定义...





Sweet girl is the English expression of a young girl with exquisite and charming features, who always gives off an aura of youthful sweetness when she smiles. Her eyes sparkles like crystals, her face is pure and lovely, and her sweetness and charm are simply captivating.


1. 眉弯挑高,显示出坚强的性格。

2. 眼睛清澈明亮,透着浓浓的柔情深情。

3. 嘴唇细腻婀娜,微微上翘显得可爱动人。

4. 脸蛋上面绽放出淡淡的清甜。

5. 背影优美,总是带上着洋溢着少女气息。

6. 活力四射,给人一种生动的洗澈感。

1、Classy——The classic definition of this word refers to the look, style and attitude of the person. This is usually used to describe a woman with a timeless beauty. She may have a perfect hourglass figure, accentuated by her gentle curves and a little shimmer of sparkle in her eyes for just the right touch of charm.

2、Sophisticated——Sophisticated has a few different definitions depending on how it is used. A woman described as sophisticated is usually seen as a fashionable, classy and at times refined woman who glides through life with an air of sophistication and grace.

3、Girly——This definition is the opposite of tom-boyish. A girl or woman who considers themselves girly are usually most comfortable wearing feminine-style clothing, dainty jewelry, and indulging in coordinating make up moods. It’s quite common for such a girl to also have a strong interest in fashion, glitter and make-up.

4、Elegant——An elegant woman has the same character traits as a classy woman, but is usually a bit more refined and well-mannered. She has a poise and grace that mirrors her inner beauty, and she exudes the confidence of knowing her worth while still being humble.

5、Glamorous——A glamorous woman is someone who stands out among the rest. This is usually done through the ways of her fashion, hardware and beauty choices. She knows the right thing to wear for any given situation and her style is envied by others. A glamorous woman knows how to draw attention to herself and how to look good doing it.

6、Charming——This can be used to describe both men and women, but has a unique connotation when used to describe a woman. A charming woman is one that captures the adoration of whoever she meets because of her openness and joy. She has a unique personality that draws people in, and her presence is magnetic.

7、Adventurous——An adventurous woman isn’t afraid to try new things and experiment with different activities. She has a strong spirit and loves to learn more about the world around her. Adventure is her passion and she won’t let anything get in the way of her trying to explore new places and experiences.
