导读 当下教育都是每个家庭中非常重要一个环节,因为很多家庭为了让孩子获得更好的教育煞会苦心,但是不一定会获得效果这才是真正愁的地方,孩子


六年级英语下册第1-6单元完形填空 (1) Jim1 a very useful book in the shop,2 it was too expensive for him 3 . He 4 get it from the library,either.So5 afternoon,he went there to read6 at a time.One day,he couldn’t find7 from the usual place and was leaving the shop when he saw an assistant singing8 ,To his surprise,the assiatant pointed to the book9 ,"Iput it there so as not to be sold out.”Said the assistant.Then he10 Jim go on with his reading. ( )1、A.took B.bought C.read D.found ( )2、A.but B.so C.or D.and ( )3、A.buy B.to buy C.bought D.buy ( )4、A.could B.couldn’t C.will D.can ( )5、A.every B.one C.this D.yesterday ( )6、A.few B.a few C.little D.a little ( )7、A.the shop B.his way C.the book D.book ( )8、A. the shop B.to him C.to her D.to he ( )9、A.in a corner B.in a shop C.in his bag D.in his hand ( )10、A.let B.helped C.left D.went (2) Mr.Green lived in a small town,but he worked in 1 Office in a big city, so five days a 2 he went to work3 train every morning and came home the same way. One morning he took out his newspaper and begin 4 On the train.Behind him was sitting a man.5 Wanted to talk with him.So,he tapped( ) Mr.Green on the shoulder and spoke to him,but Mr.Green did not know him.The man said,”You are not living a very interesting life,are you ? You get6 the same train at the same station at the same time every morning,and you always7 in the same seat and read the same8 .” ( )1、A.a B.an C.the D./ ( )2、A.week B.year C.day D.month ( )3、A.buyon B.at C.in D.by ( )4、A.read B.reads C.to read D.reading ( )5、A.The boy B. The man C. The girl D. Mr.Green ( )6、A.on B.off C.down D.up ( )7、A.sits B.sit C.sitting D.sitted ( )8、A. book B.story C.books D.newspaper ( )9、A.What B.How C.Which D.Where ( )10、A.sits B. sit C. sitting D. sitted (3) Fox is an eigth-year-old boy.He is a good boy. He does1 in all his lessons.He2 school and he is alwaysactive(积极的)in class.Every time the teacher asks a question,Fox always3 his hand quickly.Sometimes his answer is4 but the teacher always smiles and says,“Good ,Fox.But5 a better answer to my question? ” Yesterday afternoon,the teacher asked the boys and girls a question, “Swallows(燕子) fly to the south before winter6 ,”he said.“But why don’t cats and dogs do7 ?”Fox lifted his hand8 usual. “Yes,Fox?”said the teacher9 . Fox stood up and said,“10 they have no wings(翅膀)” ( )1、A.good B.hard C.well D.bad ( )2、A.loves B.likes a C.gies to a D.enjoys the ( )3、A.gets up B.puts on C.gets on D.puts up ( )4、A.right B.wrong C.easy D.hard ( )5、A.has B.is there C.are there D.have ( )6、A.will come B.is coming C.comes D.is going to come ( )7、A.sitdifferents B.these C.the same D.with ( )8、A.as B.at C.for D.in ( )9、A.happy B.glad C.happily D.angrily ( )10、A.WhyB. Because C.That D. Where (4) Tom is in trouble now.He has a1 of his town. He wants to go to a party at his English teacher’s house.All the2 students are3 ,but he never gets there.He makes one4 mistake. 5 the school he walks along the main street and turnw left.He walks to the6 stop and stops in front of the post office.He takes the bus and7 at Fifth Street.He takes Bus No.35,but he gets off8 the wrong stop.He9 the nice party.What a10 ! ( )1、A.map B.paper C.bag D.key ( )2、A.others B.other C.young D.late ( )3、A.here B.at home C.there D.coming ( )4、A.bad B.big C.clever D.small ( )5、A.Form B.In C.At D. Out ( )6、A.car B.bus C.by train D./ ( )7、A.turns left B.get off C.get s D./ ( )8、A.with B.in C.to D.at ( )9、A.forgets B.love C.misses D.comes back ( )10、A.boys B. pity C. clever D. days (5) Mike likes music very much.1 he was young,he wanted2 be a famous musician.But now he is a3 .He works in a hospital.He4 plays light music when he is working.He finds5 patients are happy if they6 the beautiful music.So he puts a CD player7 the waiting room and plays the8 to his patients every 9 .All his patients10 Mike is a dood doctor. ( )1、A.WhatB.WhenC.tWhereD.Which ( )2、A.be B.turn C.to D.for ( )3、A.actor B.doctor C.musician D.player ( )4、A.often B.never C.doesn’t D.seldom ( )5、A.a lot B.lot of C.lot D. lots of ( )6、A.hear B.listen C. listen to D.hear to ( )7、A.under B.in C.on D.at ( )8、A. music B.movie C.opera D.TV play ( )9、A. date B.today C. day D.week ( )10、A.tell B. like C. want D. think
