导读 大家好,知识小编来为大家讲解下。bottle是什么意思,bottle的用法很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、bottle是什么意思1、bottl



1、bottle 瓶

2、来自拉丁词buttis, 酒桶。-le, 小词后缀。见butler, 酒管,管家。



2、bottle: [14] Etymologically, a bottle is a small butt, or barrel. The word comes ultimately from medieval Latin butticula, a diminutive form of late Latin buttis ‘cask’ (whence English butt ‘barrel’). It reached English via Old French botele. The 20th-century British colloquial meaning ‘nerve, courage’ comes from rhyming slang bottle and glass ‘class’. In medieval Latin, a servant who handed wine round at meals and looked after the wine cellar was a buticulārius: hence, via Old French bouteillier and Anglo-Norman buteler, English butler [13].=> butler

3、bottle (n.)

4、mid-14c., originally of leather, from Old French boteille (12c., Modern French bouteille), from Vulgar Latin butticula, diminutive of Late Latin buttis "a cask," which is perhaps from Greek. The bottle, figurative for "liquor," is from 17c.

5、bottle (v.)

6、1640s, from bottle (n.). Related: Bottled; bottling.
