导读 大家好,知识小编来为大家讲解下。reward是什么意思,reward的用法很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、reward是什么意思1、rewar



1、reward 奖励,报酬

2、re-,表强调,-ward,看,注视,词源同 award,guard,regard.字面意思即反复看,注视,留意, 关切,后来词义由抽象的给予引申为具体的奖励,报酬。比较 award.



2、reward: [14] Reward is ultimately the same word as regard, and indeed was originally used interchangeably with it. It came from rewarder, the Anglo-Norman version of Old French regarder, source of English regard. The modern meaning of reward, ‘recompense’, which goes back to the 14th century, presumably arose from the notion of ‘regarding’ someone with favour.=> guard, regard

3、reward (n.)

4、mid-14c., "a regarding, heeding, observation," from Anglo-French and Old North French reward, back-formation from rewarder (see reward (v.)). Meaning "repayment for some service" is from late 14c. Sense of "sum of money in exchange for capture" is from 1590s.

5、reward (v.)

6、c. 1300 "to grant, bestow;" early 14c. "to give as compensation," from Old North French rewarder "to regard, reward" (Old French regarder) "take notice of, regard, watch over," from re-, intensive prefix (see re-), + warder "look, heed, watch," from Germanic (see warder). Originally any form of requital. A doublet of regard. Related: Rewarded; rewarding.
