导读 大家好,知识小编来为大家讲解下。wight是什么意思,wight的用法很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、wight是什么意思1、wight



1、wight 人,生灵,鬼,幽灵

2、来自古英语wiht,人,生物,生灵,来自PIE*wekti,原因,事物,物体,词源同aught,naught,whit,进一步来自PIE*wekw,说,告知,词源同voice,invoke.幽灵义最早来自《魔戒》作者J.R.R. Tolkien在描述中土世界时的使用,并逐渐成为该词的主要词义。


1、wight (n.)

2、Old English wiht "living being, creature, person; something, anything," from Proto-Germanic *wihti- (cognates: Old Saxon wiht "thing, demon," Dutch wicht "a little child," Old High German wiht "thing, creature, demon," German Wicht "creature, little child," Old Norse vettr "thing, creature," Swedish vätte "spirit of the earth, gnome," Gothic waihts "something"), from PIE *wekti- "thing, creature" (source also of Old Church Slavonic vešti "a thing"). Not related to the Isle of Wight, which is from Latin Vectis (c. 150), originally Celtic, possibly meaning "place of the division."
