导读 大家好,知识小编来为大家讲解下。betray是什么意思,betray的用法很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、betray是什么意思1、betra



1、betray 背叛

2、前缀be-, 强调。-tray, 背叛,同traitor, 来自拉丁词tradare, 前缀tra, 转,词根don, 给予。



2、betray: [13] Betray is an English formation based on the Old French verb traïr ‘betray’, which came from Latin tradere ‘hand over, deliver up’ (originally a compound formed from trans- ‘across’ and dāre ‘give’). The noun formed from tradere was trāditiō, from which English gets, directly, tradition, and indirectly, via Old French and Anglo-Norman, the appropriate treason.=> tradition, treason

3、betray (v.)

4、late 13c., bitrayen "mislead, deceive, betray," from be- + obsolete Middle English tray, from Old French traine "betrayal, deception, deceit," from trair (Modern French trahir) "betray, deceive," from Latin tradere "hand over," from trans- "across" (see trans-) + dare "to give" (see date (n.1)). Related: Betrayed; betraying.
