导读 大家好,知识小编来为大家讲解下。sole是什么意思,sole的用法很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、sole是什么意思1、sole 单独



1、sole 单独的,唯一的,全权处理的

2、来自拉丁语 solus,单独的,唯一的,词源不详。可能来自 se,自己,来自 PIE*swo,自身,词源 同 self,solitary.引申比喻义全权处理的。

3、sole 脚掌,鳎(一种可食用比目鱼)

4、来自拉丁语 solum,脚掌,底部,基础,词源同 soil,大地,陆地。后也用于指一种可食用的比 目鱼,因其形如脚掌而得名。



2、sole: English has three separate words sole, two of them closely related. Sole ‘underneath of the foot’ [14] comes via Old French sole from Vulgar Latin *sola, a descendant of Latin solea ‘sandal, sill’ (a possible relative of English sill). And this in turn was derived from Latin solum ‘ground, sole of the foot’ (a possible contributor to English soil). Sole ‘flatfish’ [14] was independently borrowed from Old French sole in the sense ‘flatfish’, a metaphorical extension based on the similarity in shape between the fish and the sole of the foot. Sole ‘only’ [14] comes via Old French soul (ancestor of modern French seul ‘only, sole’) from Latin sōlus ‘alone, single’.The origins of this are uncertain, but it may be related to the pronoun sē ‘oneself’, in which case it could mean etymologically ‘by oneself’. Its other contributions to English include desolate [14], soliloquy [17], solitary [14], solo [17] (via Italian), and sullen.=> sill; desolate, solitary, solo, sullen

3、sole (n.1)

4、"bottom of the foot" ("technically, the planta, corresponding to the palm of the hand," Century Dictionary), early 14c., from Old French sole, from Vulgar Latin *sola, from Latin solea "sandal, bottom of a shoe; a flatfish," from solum "bottom, ground, foundation, lowest point of a thing" (hence "sole of the foot"), a word of uncertain origin. In English, the meaning "bottom of a shoe or boot" is from late 14c.

5、sole (adj.)

6、"single, alone, having no husband or wife; one and only, singular, unique," late 14c., from Old French soul "only, alone, just," from Latin solus "alone, only, single, sole; forsaken; extraordinary," of unknown origin, perhaps related to se "oneself," from PIE reflexive root *swo- (see so).

7、sole (n.2)

8、common European flatfish, mid-13c., from Old French sole, from Latin solea "a kind of flatfish," originally "sandal" (see sole (n.1)); so called from resemblance of the fish to a flat shoe.

9、sole (v.)

10、"furnish (a shoe) with a sole," 1560s, from sole (n.1). Related: Soled; soling.
