导读 大家好,知识小编来为大家讲解下。refuse是什么意思,refuse的用法很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、refuse是什么意思1、refus



1、refuse 拒绝,回绝

2、re-,向后,往回,-fus,流入,词源同 refund,fusion.即流回,引申词义拒绝,回绝。



2、refuse: [14] Refuse comes via Old French refuser from an unrecorded Vulgar Latin *refūsāre. It is not altogether clear where this came from, for it has no direct Latin antecedent. One theory is that it represents a blend of Latin recūsāre ‘refuse’ (source of English recusant [16]), a compound verb based on causa ‘cause’, and refūtāre ‘rebut’ (source of English refute [16]), a compound verb based on the element *fūt-, found also in English confute [16].But another long-established school of thought derives it from refūsus, the past participle of Latin refundere ‘pour back’ (source of English refund [14]) – the underlying notion being of something ‘poured back’ or ‘rejected’. The noun refuse ‘rubbish’ [15] probably comes from Old French refus ‘refusal’, a derivative of refuser ‘refuse’.

3、refuse (v.)

4、c. 1300, from Old French refuser "reject, disregard, avoid" (12c.), from Vulgar Latin *refusare, frequentative form from past participle stem of Latin refundere "pour back, give back" (see refund (v.)). Related: Refused; refusing.

5、refuse (n.)

6、mid-14c., "an outcast;" mid-14c., "a rejected thing, waste material, trash," from Old French refus "waste product, rubbish; refusal, denial, rejection," a back-formation from the past participle of refuser (see refuse (v.)). As an adjective from late 14c., "despised, rejected;" early 15c., "of low quality."
