导读 当下教育都是每个家庭中非常重要一个环节,因为很多家庭为了让孩子获得更好的教育煞会苦心,但是不一定会获得效果这才是真正愁的地方,孩子


Teaching Aims: Knowledge aim: Students can know some new words such as hiking, far away, postcard, and master the sentences pattern“ What are you doing for vacation? When are you going? How long are you staying?” Ability aim: Students can talk about their future plans in English freely, and their listening and speaking abilities can be improved. Emotional aims: Through group work, students’ cooperative consciousness; Trough vacation, their enthusiasm for the local culture can be deepened. Teaching Key Points: Learn to talk about future plans and master the target words and sentences pattern. Teaching Difficult Points: How to express their future plans using the sentences pattern flexibly. Teaching Methods: Multi-media teaching method, Situational teaching method, Task based teaching method Teaching Aids: PPT, tape recorder Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Greeting and lead in After greeting the students, teacher leads in the new lesson by the following conversation: T: Hello, everyone, I’m very glad to see you again. What are you doing now? S: We are having an English class now. T: Tomorrow is Saturday, so what are you doing tomorrow? S: We are staying at home. T: So what about your vacation? What are you doing for vacation? S1: I am going to…… S2: I am going to…… …… T: Very good. All of you have good ideas. Today what we are going to learn is Unit3.What Are You Doing for Vacation? Step 2 Pre-listening Show the target conversation in book, tell students the conversation is about Toney and Lin Hui’s vacation plans, and ask them to predict what Toney and Lin Hui are doing for their vacation. For instance: T: This is a conversation between Toney and Lin Hui, they are talking about their vacation plans. Can you guess what they are doing for their vacation? S1: Maybe they are going to travel. T: Where are they going for travel? S: ……(Beijing, Japan, America) T: Great! Let’s listen to the tape and check if you are lucky to get the correct answer. Step 3 While-listening (1) Play the record, listen and complete the following table, and ask some student to the blackboard and write down the answer he hears. (2). Listen to the tape again, check the answers: Toney is going to Hong Kong and he is staying there for 4 days; Lin Hui is going to Tibet, and he is going to hiking there. And then, explain the new words: hiking; postcard; far away. Lead students to read after teacher. (3). Play the tape for the third time, this time, ask students to read after the tape and pay more attention to the pronunciation and do the imitation. Step 4 Post-listening Pair work: make students work with their partner, write a short conversation about their own vacation plans, and then invite some groups to share their performance. Step 5 Summary and homework Summary: Ask students to think about what we have learned today, and then make a summary. Homework: Make a survey on the future plans of your friends, at least 4 people. And do a oral report in the next class. Please use the sentences we learned today in your report. Blackboard Design: Teaching Reflection: 中公讲师余玉玲解析 注:本文章用于访问者个人学习、研究或欣赏,版权为“中公教师网”所有,未经本网授权不得转载或摘编。已经本网授权使用作品的,应在授权范围内使用,并注明"来源:中公教师网"。违反上述声明者,本网将追究其相关法律责任。
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