导读 大家好,知识小编来为大家讲解下。mascot是什么意思,mascot的用法很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、mascot是什么意思1、masco



1、mascot 吉祥物

2、来自法语mascotte,巫师的符咒,护身符,来自普罗旺斯方言masco,巫师,来自拉丁语masca,面具,鬼怪,幽灵,词源同mask.后引申词义吉祥物,来自1880年法国剧作家Edmond Audran的轻歌剧”La Mascotte”,讲述了一个给人们带来好运的小精灵Mascotte的故事。


1、mascot (n.)

2、"talisman, charm," 1881, from provincial French mascotte "sorcerer's charm, 'faerie friend,' good luck piece" (19c.), of uncertain origin, perhaps from or related to Provençal mascoto "sorcery, fetish" (a Narbonnese manuscript of 1233 has mascotto "procuress, enchantment, bewitchment in gambling"), from masco "witch," from Old Provençal masca, itself of unknown origin, perhaps from Medieval Latin masca "mask, specter, nightmare" (see mask (n.)). Popularized by French composer Edmond Audran's 1880 comic operetta "La Mascotte," about a household "fairy" who gives luck to an Italian peasant, performed in a toned-down translation in England from fall 1881.
