导读 大家好,知识小编来为大家讲解下。credit是什么意思,credit的用法很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、credit是什么意思1、credi



1、credit 信任,信誉

2、来自词根cred, 相信,信任。-it, 过去分词,比较visit.


1、credit (n.)

2、1520s, from Middle French crédit (15c.) "belief, trust," from Italian credito, from Latin creditum "a loan, thing entrusted to another," from past participle of credere "to trust, entrust, believe" (see credo). The commercial sense was the original one in English (creditor is mid-15c.). Meaning "honor, acknowledgment of merit," is from c. 1600. Academic sense of "point for completing a course of study" is 1904. Movie/broadcasting sense is 1914. Credit rating is from 1958; credit union is 1881, American English.

3、credit (v.)

4、1540s, from credit (n.). Related: Credited; crediting.
