导读 大家好,知识小编来为大家讲解下。stable是什么意思,stable的用法很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、stable是什么意思1、stabl



1、stable 稳定的

2、来自拉丁语 stare,站立,词源同 stand.-able,形容词后缀。

3、stable 马厩,马房,养马场

4、来自拉丁语 stabulum,马厩,棚屋,妓院,来自 stare,站立,词源同 stand,-bulum,工具格后缀, 词源同 table,fable.



2、stable: English has two distinct words stable, but both come ultimately from the same source: the Indo-European base *stā- ‘stand’, ancestor also of English stand. The adjective stable [13] comes via Old French estable from Latin stabilis ‘standing firm’, which has also given English establish, stability [15], and stabilize [19]. It was formed from the base *stā-, as was Latin stabulum ‘standing-place’, hence ‘enclosure for animals’, which English acquired via Old French estable as stable [13]. The corresponding Germanic formation, also based on *stā-, is stall. A constable is etymologically an ‘officer in charge of stables’.

3、stable (n.)

4、early 13c., "building or enclosure where horses or cows are kept, building for domestic animals," from Old French stable, estable "a stable, stall" (Modern French étable), also applied to cowsheds and pigsties, from Latin stabulum "a stall, fold, aviary, beehive, lowly cottage, brothel, etc.," literally "a standing place," from PIE *ste-dhlo-, suffixed form of root *sta- "to stand" (see stet). Meaning "collection of horses belonging to one stable" is attested from 1570s; transferred sense of "group of fighters under same management" is from 1897; that of "group of prostitutes working for the same employer" is from 1937. For what the grete Stiede Is stole, thanne he taketh hiede, And makth the stable dore fast. [John Gower, "Confessio Amantis," 1390]

5、stable (adj.)

6、mid-12c., "trustworthy, reliable;" mid-13c., "constant, steadfast; virtuous;" from Old French stable, estable "constant, steadfast, unchanging," from Latin stabilis "firm, steadfast, stable, fixed," figuratively "durable, unwavering," literally "able to stand," from PIE *ste-dhli-, from root *sta- "to stand" (see stet). From c. 1300 as "well-founded, well-established, secure" (of governments, etc.). Physical sense of "secure against falling" is recorded from late 14c.; also "of even temperament." Of nuclear isotopes, from 1904.

7、stable (v.)

8、"to put in a certain place or position," c. 1300; "to put (a horse) in a stable," early 14c., from stable (n.) or from Old French establer. Related: Stabled; stabling.
