导读 今天小编肥嘟来为大家解答以上的问题。五个孩子和沙精英语读后感100字,五个孩子和沙精英语读后感相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来


1、It is a "race Mead" (that is, fine sand). One day, kids sand pit in the gravel found it. It has thousands of years old. Of course, fine sand can help people achieve their aspirations - the desire to achieve a day, and when the sun is at the end of everything. Anthea, Cyril, Robert and Jane feel that great. Their little brother is also too small and will not make a wish, and stay at home most of the time; can be calculated with several other more exciting things. But that then what is it? Become beautiful, rich, or the same as the birds fly? Sometimes come up with a real good look very difficult, but blurted out "I hope ... ..." is very easy, when you were not really want. Fine sand at this time would not help. Wrong when it said angrily: "Why do not you first want to say it?" And often did things go wrong ... ... 它是个“赛米德”(即沙精)。






7、 可那又是什么呢?变得漂亮,富有,还是能像鸟儿一样飞翔?有时候想出真正的好望很困难,可是脱口说出“但愿……”却是很容易的,那时你就得到了并不真正想要的东西。


9、出了差错时它就生气地说:“为什么你不先想好了再说?” 而事情的确常出差错……。
