导读 大家好,小宜来为大家讲解下。colorshine,colorshine发泥)这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧! 2形容词变名词 1.词尾ent改为en...




efficient有效率的——efficiency 效率

patient——patience/impatience 耐性/无耐心


independent——independence 独立性

urgent——urgency 紧急 


possible——possibility 可能

responsible——responsibility 责任;职责 


accurate——accuracy 准确性

prosperous——prosperity 繁荣

true——truth 真相

wide——width 宽度

long——length 长度

high——height 高度 



guilt 罪恶——guilty 内疚的

health——healthy 健康的

luck——lucky 幸运的

cloud——cloudy 多云的

wind—windy 多风的

rain——rainy 多雨的

snow——snowy 多雪的

tourist —— touristy 游客多的 


hunger——hungry 饥饿的

anger —— angry 生气的 

fog—— foggy 有雾的

sun—— sunny 阳关灿烂的

fur—— furry 毛皮的 

shine——shiny 发亮的

taste —— tasty 美味的 

2. 名词/动词+ ed


talent —— talented 有天赋的

offend ——offended 生气的

crowd ——crowded 拥挤的 


balance —— balanced 平衡的

organize——organized 有组织的

pollute ——polluted 被污染的

please ——pleased 高兴的 


spot —— spotted 有斑点的

 3.名词+ ful/less

care —— careful/ careless 小心的/ 粗心的

help—— helpful / helpless 有帮助的/ 无助的

use—— useful/ useless有用的 / 无用的

meaning —— meaningful / meaningless有意义的/无意义的

colour—— colourful /colourless多彩的/无色的

pain 疼痛 ——painful /painless痛苦的/ 不痛的

thank—— thankful / thankless 充满感激的/ 不知感恩的            

peace 和平 —— peaceful 和平的

play游戏 —— playful 爱玩耍的

home —— homeless 无家可归的 

4.名词/动词+ able

change —— changeable 易变的

adjust——adjustable 可调整的

comfort——comfortable 舒适的

knowledge——knowledgeable 知识渊博的

suit ——suitable 合适的 

动词以辅音加y结尾 把y变i 加able

deny—— deniable 可否认的

rely—— reliable 可靠的 

5.名词+ ous

courage——courageous 勇敢的

danger—— dangerous 危险的 


mystery 神秘—— mysterious 神秘的 

6.ce 变 t

confidence—— confident 自信的

difference——different 不同的

dependence —— dependent 依赖他人的

independence—— independent 独立的 

PLEASE always remember that your body is your own, no matter what shapes , size, or color it is. Your own body is the most important and unique beauty in the whole world.

请永远记住: 你的身体是你自己的,不管它是什么形状,尺寸或者颜色。你自己的身体都是这个整个世界上,最重要而独一无二的美好!

If you are really worried and anxious about your weight or size , you can see and check with your doctors to make sure that things are OK and you are very healthy.


Remember that there are things about yourself you can not change in the world.


You should accept and love these things because they are part of you. Remind yourself of things about your body that are cool and beautiful.


When you hear negative comments in your head, mentally tell yourself to stop. Then the critical voice inside you will soon lose its power.


Try to praise yourself every day. But don't just say," I am so great".

每天试着赞美一下自己。但是不要只说“ 我太棒了”。

Try to be specific about something good about yourself , like , "I am a good friend to sb. today and I am very kind and friendly." or " I did better on sth. than I thought I would."


By focusing on the good things and your own great qualities, you can learn to love and accept yourself.


Even if you have got room for improvement, realizing that you are very valuable and important helps your self-esteem shine. So let's just believe in ourselves and be confident together!


“长日尽处,我来到你的面前,你将看见我的伤痕,你会知晓我曾受伤,也曾痊愈”"When I

come to you at the end of the day,you will see my scars, and you will know that I have been

wounded and healed."

我怕我的爱太炽热,会一不小心伤害了你,所以我把它挂在天上,只做你的月亮。I am

afraid my love is too hot, will accidentally

hurt you, so I put it in the sky, only your moon.

我野蛮生长, 没能成为自己的月亮。能遇见你, 是银河馈赠给我的糖。“月色和雪色之间,你是第三种绝色”I grew savagely and failed to

become my own moon. To meet you is the

gift of the Milky Way to my candy. "Between

the moonlight and the snow, you are the

third color."

错的人迟早走散 ,而对的人终会相逢。我并不害怕我们暂时分开,如果好的爱情需要绕一大圈后再回来,到那时我也可以笑着拥抱你说:“你看 兜兜转转 到最后你还是我的。”The wrong people will get separated sooner or

later, but the right people will meet. I'm not

afraid of us being apart. If good love needs

to come back after a big circle. And then I

can smile and hug you and say You see, in

the end, you're still mine.


The beautiful sunset always appears in the

first half of the hot evening self-study.

像太阳下山,电线杆上的灯和月微微发亮,我对你的喜欢,是一种温柔的坠落。Like the sun goes down, the lights on the pole and the

moon shine slightly, my love for you is a gentle fall.

远处的云雾轻拂过黛山,橘黄的日落点缀其间,有风经过停在窗边。这些美好的事物在一瞬间通通向我奔来,嘱咐我要热爱这个世界,这个有你的世界。Clouds and mists brushed

the mountains in the distance, orange sunsets dotted them, and wind passed by the window. These beautiful things rush to me in an

instant, telling me to love the world, the world with you.




希望能与你能走过山川湖海,写温柔的字,拥抱坦荡的爱。I hope I can walk with you

through mountains, lakes and seas, write

gentle words, embrace magnanimous love.

我开面包店,你开花店,这样你每天都可以送我一小捧花,我可以穿着小裙子带着软软的小蛋糕去找你,那个傍晚一定很美好。 ​I open a

bakery, you blossom shop, so you can send

me a small bouquet of flowers every day, I can wear a small skirt with a soft cake to find you, that evening must be very beautiful.

我涉旷野丛林中来 ,你撑船渡我 入灿灿花海。I Wade



你现在所看到的星星,是它一亿年以前的样子。就好像,我在银河一侧,对着星空说一句,我爱你,当你听到时 我已爱上你无数年。The

