

1、biography[bai'ɔgrəfi] n.传记

He gave me several biographies of the Prophet Muhammad.他给我好几种先知穆罕默德的传记。

Similarly, a king's servant might not be the best one to write abiography of that king.同样,国王的仆人可能并不是为国王作传的最佳人选。

2、court[kɔːt] n.①法庭,法院

The court found him guilty.法官判决他有罪。②球场

They are practicing volleyball in the court.他们在球场上练排球。


The court has decided against the alliance.朝廷已决定不参加该联盟。


The castle has alarge court.这座城堡有一个大庭院。

3、industrial[in'dʌstriəl] a.工业的,产业的Many European countries are developed industrial nations.许多欧洲国家是发达的工业国。

These areas rely on agriculture almost exclusively, having few mineral resources and aminimum of industrial development.这些地区几乎完全依赖于农业,只有很少的矿产资源以及极低的工业发展水平。

4、original[ə'ridʒənl] a.①起初的,原先的Philadelphia was the original capital of the United States.费城是美国的旧都。


The inventor had an original mind.那个发明家具有创新的头脑。

5、image['imidʒ] n.形象

A criminal charge is not good for apolitician's image.刑事控告对政治家的形象不利。

The changing image of the family on television provides insights into the changing attitudes toward the family in society.电视中家庭形象的变化反映了社会上对家庭态度的变化。
