导读 您好,今天小花就为大家解答关于被动语态例句大全,被动语态例句相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、下面是被动语态各种时


1、下面是被动语态各种时态的例句:e.g. You are wanted on the phone . 有你的电话。

2、(一般现在时) The railway was built in 1998. 这条铁路建于1998 年。

3、(一般过去时) A new railway is being built in this city. 这个城市正在修建一条新的铁路。

4、(现在进行时) The railway was being built this time last year.去年这个时候这条铁路正在修建。

5、(过去进行时) The new railway has already been built.新铁路已经建成了。

6、(现在完成时) The new railway had been built by the end of last year.这条铁路在去年年底前已经建成了。

7、(过去完成时) A new railway will be built in this city next year.这个城市明年将建一条新的铁路。

8、(一般将来时) He told us that the new railway would be built the next year.他告诉我们新铁路将于第二年建成。

9、(过去将来时)第二节 被动语态的各种句型1.单宾语结构。

10、 e.g. Our English teacher often uses a tape-recorder in teaching English.我们英语老师经常用录音机教英语。

11、(主动语态) A tape-recorder is often used (by our English teacher) in teaching English.录音机经常用来教英语。

12、2.双宾语结构 这种结构可有两种被动语态句型,即分别用间接宾语和直接宾语作主语。

13、e.g. The villagers gave the foreign guests warm welcome.(主动语态)The foreign guests were given a warm welcome by the villagers.(被动1)A warm welcome was given to the foreign guests by the villagers.(被动2)3。

14、复合宾语结构 这种结构只能将主动语态的宾语改作被动语态的主语。

15、 e.g. They heard someone singing in the next room.(主动) Someone was heard singing in the next room. (被动)4. 含情态动词的被动结构 含情态动词的句子其被动语态形式是“情态动词+ be+过去分词”。

16、 e.g. The trees should be watered every day. 这些树应每天浇水。

17、 This word can be pronounced in two ways. 这个单词可以有两种发音。

18、5.短语动词结构 相当于及物动词的短语动词也可以有被动语态,如 look after, give up , take care of , pay attention to , make use of , put off, wake up , put out 等。

19、e.g. The children must be taken good care of .这些孩子必须得到好的照顾。

20、The big fire has been put out . 大火已被扑灭。

21、特别提醒A. 只有及物动词和及物短语动词才可以有被动语态不及物动词,不及物短语动词或系动词都不可以有被动语态,如happen, go on , take place , belong to , sound, feel等。

22、e.g. This room belongs to me. .这房子属于我。

23、不可以说:This room is belonged to me .e.g. This music sounds sweet.这音乐听起来很悦耳。

24、不可以说:This music is sounded sweet.B.被动语态只有在强调动作的承受者或不知道动作的执行者时才使用。

25、e.g. This sock is made of silk.这袜子是丝的。


27、)English is required in many schools of our country.在我们国家许多学校要求开设英语课。

28、(强调动作的承受者English.)C. 千万不能按中文意思死搬硬套,如句子“你的信我已经收到了。

29、”不能说:Your letter has been received by me .只能说:I have received your letter.D. 主动语态变为被动语态的步骤 1。



32、有无必要用 by 短语。



35、e.g. Have you found your lost book? 你找到你丢的书了吗?(一般问句,现在完成时) Has your lost book been found?你丢的书找到没有?(一般问句,现在完成时)E. 有些动词常用主动形式表示被动意义,如动词act, cook, keep , look , open , write, read, sell , wash 等,这时句子的主语通常是没有生命的。

36、e.g. This hall measures 100 metres long and 60 meters wide. 这个大厅长100米,宽60 米。

37、 This pen sells well in that country. 这种笔在那个国家很好销。

38、F. 在一些固句型中常用被动语态结构,如:It is said that … 据说……,人们说…… It is reported that … 据报道…… It is hoped that … 人们希望…… It is well known that… 众所周知…… It is believed that…人们相信…… It must be admitted that…必须承认…… It must be pointed that…必须指出的是……。
