导读 当下教育都是每个家庭中非常重要一个环节,因为很多家庭为了让孩子获得更好的教育煞会苦心,但是不一定会获得效果这才是真正愁的地方,孩子


上午第四节,准备上第八单元SectionB1a-1e, 上SectionA第一课时的时候花了十几块钱买水果、酸奶、冰淇淋等教具,我心疼呀!这节课就简单点,用图片。我上课前提前到教室,扫视了一眼孩子们,看到一男生在吃山楂片,大块的,我一看,咦!这不有点像火鸡片吗? 于是,我向他要了一片,放在讲台上,然后要课代表去办公室拿作业,并要她们在路上帮我摘几片树叶来。我又在讲台上找了一张试卷纸,撕成几小块。不一会儿,课代表把树叶摘来了,几种不同的叶子。课代表很纳闷, 问:“老师,您要这树叶干嘛?”我笑着说:“待会儿自有妙用.” 上课铃响了,开始上课了!

Step 1 ReviewT: These days we have learned how to make some kinds of food. For example, we’ve learned how to make popcorn. Now tell your partner, using “ First, Next, Then and Finally”. (学生同伴之间互述制作过程,教师抽查一学生展示)T: How do you plant a tree? Who can tell us? (教师出示一组图片)S1: First, dig a hole. Next, put the tree in the hole.Then, put the soil back into the hole. Finally, water the trees. 【设计意图与反思】复习上节课内容,也为本节课再次运用First, Next, Then, Finally做铺垫。Step 1 Lead inandpresentationT: Very good! I am hungry. Now I want to make another kind of food. LooK! What’s this? (面带微笑,拿起一片纸)Ss: It’s a piece of paper. (学生们都笑了)T: No, It’s a piece of bread. (出示一块面包的图片,学生更觉得好笑了)And what’s this?(拿起几片树叶,然后把它放在纸片上)Ss: 树叶(学生更好笑)T: No, it’slettuce. (出示生菜图片,)What’s this? Ss: 山楂片。T: No, it’s a piece of turkey. (出示火鸡片图片,学生们更兴奋了, 讲桌上有一瓶胶水,我端出胶水装出倒的样子然后说)Look! This is butter. 然后把另一些生菜和另一片纸放上去)What kind of food is it? Ss: Sandwich(出示三明治图片). T:(教师装出咬的动作)En, It’s delicious.
【设计意图与反思】教师运用假的材料展示、并伴有动作、滑稽的表情,幽默地导入单词、话题, 可能更要新意,更能吸引学生,印象更深。此外,教师随机应变,利用课堂资源运用教学,更能激发学生兴趣。Step 3 Self-study and showing T: I like lettuce and turkey in my sandwich. What do you like in your sandwich? (Show some pictures of food)Please open your books at Page 60 and finish 1a. You can say like this: In my sandwich, I Like ... I’ll give you two minutes. ( Two minutes later, ask some students to read what they have written.)T: OK! Please wor in pairs. Ask and answer questions. Find out what he / she likes in a sandwich.(学生两人一组训练,完成1b)【设计意图与反思】承上启下,衔接紧密,既有自主的学习-写出自己三明治里的食物,又有同伴的交流。Step 4 Listening T: Some children are also making a sandwich. Let’s see what they like in their sandwich. Listen and circle the words you hear.Here you you should pay attention to listen to the key words, the word about food. (Play the tape twice . The student finish 1c. And then check the anwers.) T: OK. Listen again. Write the ingredients in the order you hear them. You should learn to take notes by writing the first letters or drawing while you are listening . You can complete the words after listening.(The teacher play the tape twice. The students finish 1d. Then check the answers.)【设计意图与反思】再次运用听力策略: 听关键词和听时先写出首字母,或画图。提高听力的有效性,并要全对的学生举手,检查学生听的效果。Step 5 Practice T: Now work in pairs. Tell your partner how to make your favorite sandwich. I’ll give you 5 minutes. (The teacher walk around and give some help if necessary. Five minutes later, ask some pairs to act out their dialogues.)T: Now write down how to make your favorite sandwich. Using “First, Next, Then, Finally.”I’ll give you another 5 minutes. (The teacher walk around and give some help if necessary. Five minutes later, ask some students to read their passages.)【设计意图与反思】巩固听力材料,通过写如何做三明治,巩固本节课主要内容,也提高学生书面表达能力。Step 6. Summay Words, phrase and sentences. Step 7. Exercises略Step 8. Homework. 略