




  The shop sells only a narrow range of goods.


  The heavy traffic crawled through the narrow tunnel.


  The gate is too narrow for a car.


  What does the word mean in its narrowest sense?


  This is an inappropriate and narrow views.


  A very narrow income has a tendency to contract the mind, and sour the temper.




  he broad steps in front of the mansion made it look very dignified.


  The Minister gave a broad hint that she intends to raise taxes.


  The kidnapping occurred in broad daylight.


  He is broad-minded.


  We place the hope on the broad masses. 我们把希望寄托于广大群众。

  His work won the praise of the broad masses. 他的工作博得广大群众的称许。

  We must rally the broad masses of the people round the Party. 我们必须将广大人民群众团结在党的周围。

  The countryside is veined by new broad highways. 乡村地区密布四通八达的宽阔的新公路。

  Another thing I like is that their definition of analyst is very broad. 另一件事我喜欢的是,他们对分析师的定义非常广泛。

  We have broad agreement in Congress on about 80 percent of what we’re trying to do. 在国会,我们试图完成的计划中有80%的内容已经得到了广泛的认同。

  So far, however, all such efforts have fizzled due to the lack of broad support. 但是,迄今为止,所有这类努力都因缺乏广泛的支持而失败。

  I’m not saying what we think, but some of them are pretty tall, with broadshoulders. 我可没说这是我的想法,只是他们中有人很高,肩膀也很宽。

  But he says pressure for broad reform on the next Cuban leader, from inside Cuba and outside, will grow. 可是他说,来自古巴境内和境外要求古巴下任领导人进行广泛改革的压力将会增加。

  This is a broad and somewhat fuzzy word, and we’ll spend some time on it in anupcoming chapter. 这是一个广泛而有些模糊的词汇,我们将花一些时间在接下来的章节中讨论它。

  As trading partners with broad and close ties, both countries should not allowdifferences on some issues to affect their cooperation in areas of commoninterests. 作为拥有广泛紧密联系的贸易伙伴,中美两国不应该让在某些问题上的分歧影响双方在存在共同利益领域的合作。

  They should also agree on the broad balance between lower spending andhigher taxes to achieve this. 为了达到这个目标,他们应该同意在降低支出和提高税收上达成广泛的平衡。

  The market supports so many companies because the notion of static analysis isbroad. 市场支持如此多的公司是因为静态分析的概念是很广的。

  For example, if no authentication or authorization of service requests is required, the choice of technology can be very broad. 例如,如果服务请求不需要提供身份验证或授权,实现技术的选择就可以非常的广泛。

  Applications can focus on what they do best while they are integrated into thebroad infrastructure. 应用程序可以集中处理它们最擅长的工作,同时集成到广泛的基础结构中。

  Their broad, ugly, kindly faces watch in the sunlight as I write, and their breathingis quiet under the hill. 他们那丑陋的宽脸膛,亲切地看着阳光中书写的我,他们的呼吸在山丘下是那么的安静。

  These studies instead strongly suggest that the broad standards of beauty mightbe innate, not learned or acquired through socialization. 相反,这些研究极力认为美的广泛标准是与生俱来的,而不是通过社会化学习或获得的。
