导读 今天小编肥嘟来为大家解答以上的问题。人教版小学三年级英语试卷及答案,人教版小学三年级英语试题相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起


1、三年级英语试卷 姓名: 班级: 成绩:听力部分:一. Listen and circle (圈出你所听到的单词)。

2、(20分)pen pencil 2、head hand 3、yellow purple 4、monkey elephant5、two cake 6、eight plane 7、arm body 8、finger panda9、pig pink 10、water kite二. Listen and number (听一听,排序)。

3、(10分) ( ) Good morning . ( ) Bye . ( ) Good morning , Mike . ( ) How are you ? ( ) Fine , thank you . 笔试部分:一. Read and choose. (读与选择)请把正确答案的序号填入题前括号内,每题2分,共10分. ( )1. pen A. 钢笔 B. 铅笔 C. 橡皮擦 ( )2. bag A. 直尺 B. 书包 C. 书 ( )3. eye A. 嘴巴 B. 手 C.眼睛 ( )4. green A. 红色 B. 黄色 C.绿色 ( )5. bread A. 面包 B. 可乐 C.牛奶 二. Read and match.( 读与连线)请把相应的答句与问句用短线连起来,每题2分,共10分. 1. Where is the pencil? A. I’m 9. 2. How old are you ? B. It’s in the pencil-case. 3. Can I have a coke? C. Here you are. 4. How many balloons? D. Fine, thank you. 5. How are you? E. 5. 三. Read and choose.(读与选择)请把正确答案的序号填入题中横线上,每题2分,共10分. 1. Let’s go to school! ______ ! A. OK B. Hi C. class 2. Where is your mouth ? ________it is A. I B. This C. Here 3. I like blue . Me A. very well B. read C. too 4. How old ____you? A. am B. is C. are 5. How many _________ can you see(看见)? A. rulers B. ruler C. book 四. Choose the right answer to fill in the blanks. (看图完成句子)请把方框内句子的序号填入题中横线上,每题5分,共20分 1. Thank you. 3. Nice to meet you, too. 2. Good morning. 4. What’s your name? A: Good morning! B: ______________? B: ______________ C: My name is John. A: This is my friend, Nancy B: Welcome to our school! B: Nice to meet you. C: ______________ C: ______________ 五. Read and think (读与想)请把正确单词的序号填入等号后,每题2分,共20分。

4、 eight two three ten five seven one nine four six A、4 + 3 = B. 9–4 = C. 3 * 2 = D. 8–4 = E. 7 + 1 = F. 5 * 2 = G . 3 – 2 = H. 6 + 3 = I. 7 – 5 = J. 1 * 3 =。
