导读 大家好,小宜来为大家讲解下。我和我家的故事作文400字,我和我家的泰迪又这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!I have kept a p...


I have kept a pet since I was a child. My pet is a very cute and clever dog. It is a teddy bear and its name is Bobo.

Bobo has a calm nature and loves to snuggle up next to me when I am reading or studying. Whenever I feel sad or down, Bobo can always cheer me up with a wag of its tail or a quiet kiss.

Bobo and I have been together for six years and no matter how much time has passed, our bond has only become stronger. Together, we enjoy playing fetch and tug-of-war in the backyard, going for long walks around the nearby park, playing hide-and-seek indoors, and cuddling up in front of the TV.

Bobo and I have been through a lot. We celebrated my first day of kindergarten and my first day of college. We have gone through the dreaded flea infestation and Bobo even survived a serious illness. During those tough times, Bobo always looked to me for comfort and I could always tell Bobo trusted me to take care of him.

I believe that a pet is more than just a companion — it is a member of the family. Bobo and I share a mutual understanding and respect for each other; we understand that there is a special bond between us.

When I am away from home for a long time, Bobo always looks forward to it with anticipation and I notice that as soon as I come back, he would look at me as if to thank me for coming back to him. It is truly remarkable to have an animal that can understand, show love and bring joy to our lives.

I and My Teddy

I—— 1.Growing up with My Teddy

Growing up, I have been a huge fan of stuffed animals, especially teddy bears. To me, they were the perfect huggable companions and the best friends. Since I was a little girl, my favourite one was a teddy bear that I had named \"Teddy\". He was the cuddly brown-coloured bear, who I've had since I was very young. Teddy and I had been sending almost all of our childhood. As I grew up, Teddy had been my personal confidant. Whenever I was sad or happy, I held my beloved Teddy bear tightly in arms and felt at ease. Teddy’s presence was an immense source of security and comfort to me.

One of the sweetest memories was sitting down with Teddy and having a conversation. We talked about different things, I discussed my ambitions and my dreams to Teddy. The best part was that he never judged or criticized me in any case. In fact, he rather teased me, cracking jokes and making me laugh. I cherihsed those hilarious moments with my buddy and told him about everything, good and bad.

2—— Snooping in My Room

Another interesting fact about Teddy was that he always knows what I was doing. In my early teenage years, I had locked my bedroom to avoid mom snooping in my room. But Teddy had the key and he always knew what I was up to. Whenever I had my friends over to play video games or hang out, he used to hide in my closet, acting as the secret watcher. When my mother asked about why my room was locked, I told her that I was studying and Teddy used to be my trusted inside contact!

3—— Sharing My Responsibilities with Teddy

Teddy was such a great companion, he was always with me when completing my school/college assignments. He even looked over me as I started writing my essays or studying for my exams. He wasn't here to help me with any of the tasks, but he was a proud supporter of my efforts. I'd often find his head leaning against the desk. I put ointment on Teddy's head when I was studying, as if I was worried he would get a headache of reading so much.

4—— Well-earned Vacation with Teddy

Like every other kid, I used to go on vacations with my family. Teddy was an integral part of my vacation trips. We used to have our own little account of what we did on vacation, with Teddy narrating our memories like a playful travel guide. He even accompanied me to places I had visited. He enjoyed exploring new cultures and cities and opened my eyes to the world outside our home.

Talking about trips, one of the best holidays I ever had was when I decided to go to South India with Teddy. We had just spent three days at Lakshadweep Islands and there was still one more day left before we headed back home. I decided to make most of the day and explore the culture of that place with Teddy. So, we took a small boat to Ross Island and enjoyed a great day there.

5—— Losing My Best Friend

Being such a long time companion, it was hard for me to find a replacement for Teddy who had stayed for so long by my side. After many years, when I had grown up, Teddy's fur started to fade and get spotted. I started missing my childhood best friend and my confidant. His fur felt faded and I had to place him on the shelf.

Now, it has been a few years since I took Teddy out of my closet and everything looks much different. I'm now an adult, going to college majoring in English Literature. In my new home, I look around, without Teddy by my side. On the wall in my room, there is a big gap where Teddy used to stay.

Thinking of my dear friend with a smile on my face, I take out a piece of paper and pen. I'll write a few stories of my memories with Teddy and put it under my pillow to remember him, until we meet again.

6—— Conclusion
