
1.Nasal Flaring: The pair of muscular flaps located at the outer part of the nose is known as the nasal flaps or alae. When these flaps open up, this phenomena is referred to as nasal flaring. When the nasal flaps are opened wider than normal, it is known as nasal flaring or alar flaring. This condition can be evident in people with nasal congestion, chronic nasal allergies or other respiratory tract disorders.

2.Nasal Septum Deviation: This is a common medical condition in which the nasal septum is abnormally curved, blocking the nasal passage and causing chronic nasal obstruction. This condition can cause nasal flaring, difficulty breathing as well as recurrent nosebleeds. Nasal septum deviation can be classified as mild, moderate or severe and is often caused by an injury to the nose or a deformity present at birth.

3.Nasal Bone Deviation: This is the lateral displacement of one or both nasal bones away from the midline of the face. It is caused by an imbalance in the growth of cartilage and bony structures that form the nose and can be linked to a deviated nasal septum. It is important to note that this condition is not necessarily indicative of a disease as it may be simply an aesthetically unpleasing facial feature.

4.Nasal Bone Deformities: These can include a range of deformities affecting the shape of the nose, such as wide or bulbous tips, excessive ridges or humped bridges. This can be caused by trauma, congenital deformities or a combination of factors.

5.Nasal Asymmetry: This refers to the appearance of an uneven appearance of the nose, as the two sides of the nose are not mirror images of each other. It is not uncommon for people to have one nasal flare that is wider than the other. This can be due to an underlying problem with the nasal airways, facial asymmetry, trauma, or a congenital deformity.




1. 鼻翼长的鼻子,往往看上去野性又不乏时尚感。鼻翼的边缘比较长,比较弯曲的向上的状态,所以外观看起来就特别修长和优雅。

2. 鼻骨以及鼻嵴高而狭长,比较弯曲,特别长,在端部会有一种弯曲状,会使整个鼻子更加显高。

3. 鼻翼比较宽大,会加强鼻颏的立体感,提升其柔和感,鼻翼的外围也会有一种柔和的延伸,给人一种特别的立体感,从而让鼻子看起来更加美观。

4. 对于鼻翼长的鼻子,可以在鼻翼外围和鼻尖之间采用覆膜填充和隆鼻技术,从而精确改变鼻子的连续度和弧度,让鼻翼更加显脸,更加立体,使得看起来更加精致!


1. 鼻翼长更显时尚感,对于注重形象现在出街时爱穿大牌服装的人来说,鼻翼长的鼻子也会更加突出时尚款式。

2. 鼻翼长的鼻子外观看起来更加精致,优雅,鼻翼的边缘比较长,可以提升其立体感,更能突显出鼻子的优势,更加美观亲和。

3. 鼻翼长的鼻子,鼻尖更为精致,细腻,而由鼻翼向上收放的弧度,更连贯整洁,特别优美;可以更好地整合出一种中性完美的样子,显得既灵动又端庄。
