导读 当下教育都是每个家庭中非常重要一个环节,因为很多家庭为了让孩子获得更好的教育煞会苦心,但是不一定会获得效果这才是真正愁的地方,孩子


小四年级上册英语期末测试卷 一、选出每组单词中与其它三个在意思上不同类的选项。(10分) ( )1、A、picture B、board C、thin D、wall ( )2、A、music B、sports C、painting D、quiet ( )3、A、plate B、spoon C、baby D、knife ( )4、A、table B、nurse C、teacher D、driver ( )5、A、kitchen B、soup C、fish D、noodles ( )6、A、uncle B、mother C、brother D、bed ( )7、A、fridge B、shelf C、sofa D、egg ( )8、A、family B、floor C、window D、door ( )9、A、fifty B、twenty C、baby D、thirty ( )10、A、study B、kitchen C、bathroom D、phone 二、根据汉语写单词,首字母已经给出。(10分) 1、She is a s_________.(学生) 2、I have many p ________.(铅笔) 3、Can I have some c_________?(鸡肉) 4、Let’s go to the c________.(教室) 5、I’d like some riceand b_______(牛肉) please. 三、选择题。(20分) ( )1、We have seven new_________. A、pen B、ruler C、lights ( )2、This is _________ English book. A、a B、an C、the ( )3、She has a________ mouth.A、thin B、strong C、small ( )4、My father ________sports and music. A、likes B、like C、is ( )5、Please listen_______ music. A、at B、in C、to ( )6、What would you like________ dinner? A、to B、for C、at ( )7、告诉同学们你有一台新电脑,你会说:A、My computer is in theliving room. B、I have a newcomputer. ( )8、询问你的书放在哪里,你会问:A、How many books canyou see? B、Where’s my book? ( )9、问约翰书包里面是什么东西时,你会说:A、What’s this ? B、What’s in your bag ? ( )10、当你想知道杰克的妈妈是干什么职业的,你会问:A、What’s your mother ? B、Where is your mother? 四、情景反应。(20分) ( )1、What colour is your school? A、No, I don’t. ( )2、What’s her name? B、She is Miss White. ( )3、What’s your mother? C、Black and white ( )4、Is it in your desk? D、She is a nurse. ( )5、Who’s this woman? E、Thirty-one ( )6、Where are the books? F、They are on the desk. ( )7、Do you like sports? G、Hername is Lily. ( )8、How many crayons can you see? H、Yes, it is. ( )9、What’s in your bag? I、I’d like some beef. ( )10、What would you like for dinner? J、10 story-books. 五、连词成句,首字母已给出。(20分) 1、I some vegetables would like I___________________________________________________。 2、crayons are where my Where______________________________________________? 3、has he two ears big He________________________________________________。 4、family my six has members My______________________________________________。 5、me let clean board the Let_______________________________________________。 六、排列顺序。(14分) ( ) Yes,you are right. ( ) Isshe Bai Ling? ( ) Hi,Zhang Peng. I have a new friend. ( ) Guess! ( ) Whois she? ( ) No,she isn’t. She is tall and thin. ( ) Oh,she is Amy. 七、英语小短文。(6分) 同学们,根据下面表格的内容,写个英语小短文吧。 人物 Mother Father I 职业 Teacher Doctor Student 爱好 Listening to music Sports Painting 性格或外貌特征 Quiet Long hair Strong Short Thin 介绍自己和家人,如: Thisis … He/she likes … He/she is … He/she has …