导读 大家好,知识小编来为大家讲解下。combine是什么意思,combine的用法很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、combine是什么意思1、co



1、combine 组合

2、com-, 强调。-bine, 二,词源同two, binary. 即二者合一的。



2、combine: [15] The notion underlying combine is simply ‘two together’. It comes, perhaps via French combiner, from late Latin combīnāre, a compound verb formed from Latin com- ‘together’ and bīnī ‘two at a time’; this Latin adverb was formed from the prefix bi- ‘twice’, and is the basis of English binary.=> binary

3、combine (n.)

4、"machine that cuts, threshes and cleans grain" (short for combine harvester), 1857, from combine (v.).

5、combine (v.)

6、early 15c., from Middle French combiner (14c.), from Late Latin combinare "to unite, yoke together," from Latin com- "together" (see com-) + bini "two by two," adverb from bi- "twice" (see binary). Related: Combinative; combined; combining.
