导读 大家好,知识小编来为大家讲解下。progress是什么意思,progress的用法很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、progress是什么意思1



1、progress 前进,进步,进展




2、progress: [15] Progress is one of a large family of English words (including also grade, gradual, transgress, etc) that go back to Latin gradus ‘step’. From it was derived the verb gradī ‘go, step’, which in combination with the prefix prō- ‘forward’ produced prōgredī ‘go forward’. English gets progress from its past participle prōgressus.=> grade, gradual, ingredient, regress, transgress

3、progress (v.)

4、1590s in the literal sense; c. 1600 in the figurative sense, from progress (n.). OED says the verb was obsolete in English 18c. but was reformed or retained in America and subsequently long regarded in Britain as an Americanism. Related: Progressed; progressing.

5、progress (n.)

6、late 14c., "a going on, action of walking forward," from Old French progres (Modern French progrès), from Latin progressus "a going forward," from past participle of progredi (see progression). In early use in English especially "a state journey by royalty." Figurative sense of "growth, development, advancement to higher stages" is from c. 1600. To be in progress "underway" is attested by 1849. Progress report attested by 1865.
