导读 大家好,知识小编来为大家讲解下。yet是什么意思,yet的用法很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、yet是什么意思1、yet 尚未2、来



1、yet 尚未

2、来自Proto-Germanic*iuta,来自*iui,总是,永远,词源同age,eon, *ta,名词后缀,词源同-th。引申词义总是,永远,尚未。



2、yet: [OE] Yet is one of the mystery words of English. It seems to have emerged from the Anglo-Frisian group of dialects in northeastern Europe before the Angles and Saxons crossed the Channel (Old Frisian had iēta), but its ultimate source is unknown.

3、yet (adv.)

4、Old English get, gieta "till now, thus far, earlier, at last, also," an Anglo-Frisian word (cognates: Old Frisian ieta, Middle High German ieuzo), of unknown origin; perhaps connected to PIE pronominal stem *i- (see yon). The meaning in other Germanic languages is expressed by descendants of Proto-Germanic *noh- (source of German noch), from PIE *nu-qe- "and now." As a conjunction from c. 1200.
