导读 大家好,知识小编来为大家讲解下。valid是什么意思,valid的用法很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、valid是什么意思1、valid



1、valid 有效的

2、来自拉丁语valere, 强健的,勇敢的,词源同value,引申词义有效的。



2、valid: [16] Something that is valid is etymologically ‘strong’, and hence ‘effective’. The word comes via French valide from Latin validus ‘strong, effective’, which was derived from the verb valēre ‘be strong’ (source also of English valiant, valour, value, etc). The negative form invalid [16] also goes back to Latin, but its specific application to infirm people, differentiated with a distinct pronunciation, was introduced from French in the 17th century.=> valiant, valour, value

3、valid (adj.)

4、1570s, "having force in law, legally binding," from Middle French valide (16c.), from Latin validus "strong, effective, powerful, active," from valere "be strong" (see valiant). The meaning "sufficiently supported by facts or authority, well-grounded" is first recorded 1640s.
