导读 大家好,知识小编来为大家讲解下。beyond是什么意思,beyond的用法很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、beyond是什么意思1、beyon



1、beyond 在那边

2、前缀be-, 强调。yond, 那边,见yonder, 那边, 那里。



2、beyond: [OE] Beyond is a lexicalization of the Old English phrase be geondan ‘from the farther side’. The second element comes from a prehistoric Germanic *jandana, formed on a base *jan- which also gave English the now largely dialectal yon [OE] and yonder [13]. To German it contributed the demonstrative adjective and pronoun jener ‘that’, and there are related demonstrative forms without the initial jin other Indo-European languages, including non-Germanic ones (Old Slavonic onu ‘that’, for instance, and Sanskrit āna- ‘this one’).=> yon, yonder

3、beyond (prep.)

4、Old English begeondan "beyond, from the farther side," from be- "by," here probably indicating position, + geond "yonder" (prep.); see yond. A compound not found elsewhere in Germanic.
