导读 大家好,知识小编来为大家讲解下。see-saw是什么意思,see-saw的用法很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、see-saw是什么意思1、se



1、see-saw 跷跷板

2、比喻用法,词首 see-为 saw 同韵构词,即像锯子一样拉来拉去。


1、see-saw (n.)

2、also seesaw, 1630s, in see-saw-sacke a downe (like a Sawyer), words in a rhythmic jingle used by children and repetitive motion workers, probably imitative of the rhythmic back-and-forth motion of sawyers working a two-man saw over wood or stone (see saw (n.1). Ha ha.). Reference to a game of going up and down on a balanced plank is recorded from 1704; figurative sense is from 1714. Applied from 1824 to the plank arranged for the game.

3、see-saw (v.)

4、also seesaw, "move up and down," 1712, from see-saw (n.). Related: See-sawed; see-sawing.
