导读 大家好,小宜来为大家讲解下。保佑的英文,保佑的英文名词这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!(一)blessingBlessing comes fro...



Blessing comes from the Old English verb blǽdsian, which means “to consecrate or hallow”. It is usually used to describe a wish for divine protection or good luck. In the Christian faith, a blessing is a special prayer or invocation seeking divine favour. It can be used to refer to prayerful acts of worship, such as the rite of baptism. In the Jewish faith, blessings are commonly used to recognize a special occurrence or for protection, such as for a new house.


Grace comes from the Latin grātia, which has its roots in the Proto-Indo-European root *gʰer- (‘to be beloved or favored’). It is often used to describe a state of spiritual favor or spiritual blessing. In the Christian faith, grace is defined as the free and unmerited favor of God, the inspiration for love and good works. In Judaism, grace is the inspiring influence of divine favor, which is believed to be bestowed upon an individual or community. It is also used to describe a person’s disposition or personality.


Protection comes from the Latin verb protegere, which means “to cover or guard”. It is usually used to describe a certain kind of safeguard or security. It can be used to refer to physical protection, such as a bodyguard, or it can be used to explain a sense of personal safety, such as feeling safe and secure in a loving relationship. Protection can also refer to divine protection, such as the idea that God provides protection for those who have faith in Him.


Divine comes from the Latin divinus, which is derived from the adjective divinus (‘belonging to a god’). It is used to describe something that is related to the divine or of godly origin. It is often used to describe divine presence or intervention, such as the idea of divine providence, which is the belief that God is controlling the universe. It is also used to describe the divine character of an individual, such as describing someone as having a “divine” beauty or charisma.


1.Bless: v. To invoke divine care or protection over (someone or something), to wish good upon, to make sacred or holy (e.g., \"bless this house\").

2.Blessed: adj. Highly favored, fortunate and blissful (e.g., \"blessed is he who has found his path\").

3.Godspeed: interj. A wish of a safe journey or good luck (e.g., \"Godspeed and safe travels\").

4.Godly: adj. Referring to divinely inspired character or conduct, to be in accordance with the teachings of the divine (e.g., \"a godly deed\").

5.Divine: adj. Referring to or partaking of the character of deity, supremely good or beautiful (e.g., \"deeds of divine virtue\").

6.Sacred: adj. Consecrated to a divine being or agency, regarded as worthy of religious respect and reverence (e.g., \"a sacred temple\").

7.Providence: n. The protective care and guiding of God or nature as a spiritual power (e.g., \"the providences of nature\").

8.Salvation: n. A deliverance or preservation from possible harm, danger, or loss (e.g., \"the salvation of souls\").

9.Sanctify: v. To make holy or free from sin, to consecrate (e.g., \"sanctifying the temple\").

10.Amen: interj. An expression of agreement, confirmation, or approval (e.g., \"amen, so be it\").

11.Rejoice: v. To feel joy or great delight, to be filled with gladness (e.g., \"rejoice in the Lord\").

12.Heavenly: adj. Referring to or in conformity with heaven, divine, or of supreme excellence (e.g., \"heavenly peace\").

13.Serenity: n. The state of being peaceful, tranquil, and untroubled (e.g., \"serenity of the soul\").

14.Praise: v. To laud, to glorify, to extol (e.g., \"praise the Lord\").

15.Holy: adj. Set apart from the profane, devoted to religious service or use (e.g., \"a holy place\").

16.Righteous: adj. Morally upright, free from guilt or sin (e.g., \"the righteous shall be blessed\").

17.Benediction: n. A blessing, especially one said in worship services (e.g., \"the priest gave his benediction\").

18.Hallowed: adj. High, precious, or worthy of reverence, venerated as sacred (e.g., \"a hallowed shrine\").

19.Invocation: n. An act of imploring or supplicating, to summon or bring into action or existence (e.g., \"an invocation of the divine guidance\").
