

1.1 汉堡包的历史


2.2 汉堡包的组成




1. Introduction:

The term “Hamburger” refers to a type of sandwich, typically consisting of two pieces of bread, a patty (usually beef or chicken) as the main topping and some vegetables, condiments and sauces. It is an iconic food in many countries, having its origins in Hamburg, Germany, where the first-known incarnation of the hamburger was born in the 19th century.

2. History:

The hamburger is believed to have been first developed in Germany in the 19th century. The exact origins of the sandwich remain unclear, but some sources claim it was created in the city of Hamburg by a baker, who later served it to his customers. Other reports also suggest that German migrants brought the hamburger to the US in the late 1800s.

3. Hamburgers Around the World:

The hamburger has gained immense popularity around the world, being mostly associated with fast food. It is now present in numerous cuisines, boasting many regional variations and adaptations.

In the US, the hamburger is usually served as a fast-food meal alongside french fries and a soda. In other countries, it is also served as a specialty dish in many restaurants, often prepared with local ingredients and toppings.

4. How to Say “Hamburger” in English:

In English, the term “Hamburger” is used to refer to the sandwich. It is pronounced “Ham-bur-ger”, with the stress on the last syllable. It is also sometimes shortened to “burger”, which is pronounced as “bur-ger”.

5. Conclusion:
